Myrtle Grove Animal Hospital is aware of the vast amount of information available on the internet. Our team has taken the time and evaluated the following sites. We trust the information the listed websites provide to you, our client, and member of our family.

ASPCA Poison Control Center
The best resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call (888) 426-4435. A consultation fee may be applied to your credit card.

Vets First Choice
Vets First Choice will ship your pet’s medications directly to you! Your monthly heartworm and flea prevention as well as chronic medications will ship right to your door, saving you a trip to the vet’s office. After a doctor’s approval, you can renew your medications on the website or over the phone.

CareCredit helps you manage those unexpected expenses. Qualifying purchases may be eligible for “No Interest” payment terms, and with the instant credit application, you can begin treatment on your pet before your card arrives in the mail.

Scratchpay provides you with simple, friendly payment plans. Scratchpay isn’t a credit card. Finding your plan option will NOT affect your credit score. We approve more patients with affordable rates. No hidden fees. No prepayment penalty. No deferred interest.

We are now recommending and accepting Trupanion medical insurance for pets. Trupanion covers up to 90% of vet bills for all unexpected injuries and illnesses.

NHC Animal Services
Click this link to learn about the local laws pertaining to your pets, what to do in case of an animal bite, and licensing and vaccination requirements as a pet owner.

Pet Rescue Resources
Paw Prints Magazine offers a comprehensive list of shelters and rescues in the Wilmington area.

Fear Free Happy Homes
Sign up to be a member of Fear Free Happy Homes and get access to videos with fun, easy to implement tips, articles reviewed by board-certified veterinary behaviorists, and more!

Employment Opportunities
We are always happy to accept resumes and applications. Please stop by to pick up an application or print the document below and bring in to our office. All resumes are kept on file whenever a position opens.
What's Next
Call us or schedule an
appointment online.Meet with a doctor for
an initial exam.Put a plan together for
your pet.